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Is It Worth Taking The PRC Licensure Board Exam?

Is It Worth Taking The PRC Licensure Board Exam?

If you are a professional in the Philippines, you may have wondered whether taking the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) licensure exam is worth it.

The PRC exam is a standardized tests that assesses the knowledge and skills of applicants in various fields, such as engineering, medicine, education, and accounting.

Passing the PRC exam is a requirement for obtaining a professional license, which grants you the legal authority to practice your profession in the country.

But is taking the PRC exam really worth it? Does it make a difference in your career prospects, income, and personal growth?

The answer is not so simple, as it depends on a number of factors, such as your industry, goals, and preferences. In this blog post, we will explore the pros and cons of taking the PRC exam, and help you decide whether it is the right choice for you.

Is it worth it if you take the PRC board exam?

The general consensus among those who take the PRC board exam, it is challenging but rewarding experience.

According to the PRC website, the average passing rate for all licensure examinations in 2023 was 42.86%, which means that more than half of the takers failed to pass. This shows that the PRC exam is not easy, and requires a lot of preparation, dedication, and hard work.

However, those who pass the PRC exam also enjoy a number of benefits, both tangible and intangible. Here are some of the reasons why taking the PRC exam might be worth it for you:

Professional Credential

Obtaining a license can provide official recognition of your expertise in a specific field. This can boost your confidence and self-esteem, as well as your reputation and credibility among your peers, employers, and clients.

A license can also serve as a proof of your qualifications and competence, which can help you stand out from the crowd and gain a competitive edge in the job market.

Enhanced Credibility and Professionalism

A license demonstrates your competence and commitment to your profession, potentially increasing your credibility and professionalism.

By passing the PRC exam, you show that you have met the standards and requirements set by the regulatory body, and that you have the knowledge and skills necessary to perform your duties effectively and ethically. A license can also signal your dedication and passion for your field, as well as your willingness to learn and improve.

Employer Preference

Many employers require or prefer candidates with professional licenses, increasing your job opportunities and career prospects.

Having a license can make you more attractive and eligible for hiring, promotion, or retention, as it indicates that you have the qualifications and credentials that the employer is looking for. A license can also open doors to specialized roles or positions that may only be accessible to licensed professionals.

Legal Requirement

In some industries, a license is a legal requirement to practice, and not having one may result in legal consequences.

Operating without a required license may limit your ability to offer certain services or work in specific roles, as well as expose you to risks of fines, penalties, or lawsuits. Taking the PRC exam can help you comply with the laws and regulations governing your profession, and avoid any legal troubles or sanctions.

Client Confidence

Clients often have more confidence in professionals who hold licenses, as it indicates a certain level of expertise and adherence to ethical standards. A license can help you build trust and rapport with your clients, as well as increase their satisfaction and loyalty. A license can also be a valuable marketing tool, attracting clients who prioritize working with licensed professionals.


Licensure can provide networking opportunities and connections within your industry. By taking the PRC exam, you become part of a community of licensed professionals who share your interests, goals, and challenges.

You can benefit from the support, mentorship, and resources that this community can offer, as well as expand your network and contacts. You can also participate in professional associations, organizations, or events that can enhance your visibility and exposure in your field.

Continuing Education

Licensure often requires ongoing education, which can contribute to your knowledge and skills in the field. By taking the PRC exam, you commit to keeping yourself updated and informed on the latest trends, developments, and innovations in your industry.

You can also access various learning opportunities, such as seminars, workshops, trainings, or courses, that can help you maintain or improve your competence and performance.

Industry Update and Trends

Taking the PRC exam can help you stay updated on industry trends and advancements. By preparing for and passing the board exam, you demonstrate that you are aware of and familiar with the current practices, standards, and issues in your field.

You can also gain insights and perspectives from other professionals who take the exam, as well as from the exam itself, which can reflect the changing needs and demands of the industry.

Higher Earning Potential

Some licensed professions command higher salaries compared to non-licensed counterparts. Licensing may be a prerequisite for advancement into higher-paying positions within a company or industry. Taking the PRC exam can help you increase your earning potential, as well as your bargaining power and negotiation skills. A license can also reflect your value and worth as a professional, and justify your compensation and benefits.

Global Mobility

A license from one jurisdiction may be recognized in other regions, facilitating mobility and allowing you to work in different locations.

Taking the PRC exam can help you expand your horizons and opportunities, as well as expose you to diverse cultures and environments.

A license can also enable you to pursue international or cross-border collaborations, partnerships, or projects, which can enrich your experience and exposure.

Personal Satisfaction

Achieving licensure can be personally fulfilling, validating the time and effort invested in your education and career.

Taking the PRC exam can provide a sense of accomplishment and pride in your professional achievements, as well as a motivation and inspiration for further growth and development. A license can also enhance your self-esteem and confidence, as well as your happiness and satisfaction.

Ethical Standards

Licensure often comes with a code of ethics that members must adhere to, promoting ethical conduct in the profession. By taking the PRC exam, you agree to follow the rules and regulations that govern your field, as well as the values and principles that guide your practice. A license can also help you resolve any ethical dilemmas or conflicts that may arise in your work, as well as protect you from any unethical or unprofessional behavior from others.

Trust and Reputation

Taking the PRC exam can contribute to a positive reputation and trust within the industry. By passing the exam, you show that you have the integrity and honesty to uphold the standards and expectations of your profession, as well as the responsibility and accountability to deliver quality service and results.

A license can also help you establish and maintain a good image and reputation among your peers, employers, and clients, as well as the public.

Why taking the PRC licensure exam is not worth it

While taking the PRC exam can have many benefits, it can also have some drawbacks and disadvantages. Here are some of the reasons why taking the PRC exam might not be worth it for you:

Time Commitment

Studying for and taking the exam can be time-consuming, requiring dedication and effort. Depending on the exam schedule and your availability, you may have to spend months or even years preparing for the exam, which can take away time from other activities, such as work, family, or leisure.

You may also have to sacrifice some of your hobbies, interests, or social life, as well as deal with the pressure and expectations from yourself and others.

Financial Cost

There may be associated fees for registration, study materials, and exam costs. Depending on the exam and your chosen review method, you may have to pay for application fees, exam fees, review books, review courses, or online resources.

These costs can add up and put a strain on your budget, especially if you have to retake the exam or if you have other financial obligations or goals.

Potential for Stress and Anxiety

The pressure of passing the exam can be stressful for some individuals. You may experience anxiety, nervousness, or fear before, during, or after the exam, which can affect your mental and emotional health, as well as your performance and results.

You may also face challenges, difficulties, or setbacks along the way, such as failing to meet your study goals, encountering unfamiliar topics, or dealing with unforeseen circumstances.

Not Always a Guarantee of Success

Passing the exam does not guarantee immediate job placement or career success. You may still face competition from other licensed or non-licensed professionals, as well as other factors, such as the economy, the industry, or the employer.

You may also have to continue to update and improve your skills and knowledge, as well as adapt to the changing needs and demands of the market and the clients.

May Not Be Necessary for All Career Paths

Depending on your specific career goals and desired work environment, a license may not be essential. Some professions or industries may not require or value a license as much as others, or may have other criteria or qualifications that are more important.

You may also have other options or opportunities that do not require a license, such as freelancing, entrepreneurship, or volunteering.

Additional Factors You Should Consider

Before you decide whether to take the PRC exam or not, you should also consider some additional factors that may influence your choice. Here are some of the factors you should consider:

Your Career Aspirations and Goals

Align your decision with your long-term career plans and the requirements for your desired positions. Think about what you want to achieve in your profession, and what steps you need to take to get there.

Research the qualifications, skills, and experience that are needed for your target roles or industries, and whether a license is one of them. Also, consider your personal preferences, values, and interests, and whether they match your chosen career path.

Job Market Demand

Research the demand for licensed professionals in your field and your desired location. Find out how many licensed professionals are currently working in your industry, and how many are needed or expected in the future.

Also, find out how many job openings or opportunities are available for licensed professionals, and how competitive or lucrative they are. Compare the supply and demand for licensed and non-licensed professionals, and how they affect your chances of getting hired, promoted, or retained.

Your Personal Learning Style and Study Habits

Consider whether you are comfortable with the commitment required for self-study or attending review courses. Assess your learning style, study habits, and study skills, and whether they are suitable for the exam preparation.

Determine how much time, energy, and resources you can devote to studying, and whether you can balance it with your other responsibilities or obligations. Also, consider your motivation, discipline, and confidence, and whether they can help you overcome any challenges or difficulties.

Alternative Pathways

Explore other avenues for career advancement, such as relevant certifications or gaining work experience, if a license is not mandatory.

Find out what other options or opportunities are available for you to enhance your knowledge, skills, and credentials, and whether they can help you achieve your career goals.

Also, find out the pros and cons of each option, and how they compare to taking the PRC exam. Choose the option that best suits your needs, preferences, and circumstances.


Taking the PRC exam is a personal and professional decision that depends on various factors, such as your industry, goals, and preferences. There is no definitive answer to whether it is worth it or not, as it may have different implications and outcomes for different people.

However, based on the reasons discussed above, taking the PRC exam can offer a number of benefits and advantages that can outweigh the costs and challenges. Ultimately, the choice is yours, but we hope that this blog post has helped you weigh the pros and cons of taking the PRC exam, and make an informed and confident decision. Good luck!

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